Beasiswa Scholarships

Lowongan Kerja di Phillips

Info lowongan kerja terbaru di Philips. Info pekerjaan di perusahaan elektronik terbesar di dunia dengan berbagai posisi kerja seperti: Officer, sales coordinator, distributor manager, marketing manager, assistant controller, finance manager dan sales engineer.

As the world’s leader in Lighting, Philips is driving the switch to energy-efficient solutions. With worldwide electrical lighting using 19 per cent of all electricity, the use of energy-efficient lighting will significantly reduce energy consumption around the world and thereby cut harmful CO2 emissions. Philips provides advanced energy-efficient solutions for all segments: road lighting, office & industrial, hospitality and home. Philips is also a leader in shaping the future with exciting new lighting applications and technologies such as LED technology, which, besides energy efficiency, provides attractive benefits and endless new ‘never-before-possible’ lighting solutions.

Some product highlights: Xenon car lighting, CosmoPolis street lighting, Living Colors ambience lighting.

Officer - Order Desk/Handling_Lighting Commercial
Fresh graduates with Engineering Industrial bachelor degree are welcome to apply. Those with 1 to 2 years experiences in handling customer order activities of FMCG with strong commercial & industrial background will also be considered favorably. Good Knowledge in Supply Chain Management, Good computer literate & familiar with SAP, Good communicator, Good interpersonal skills / able to influence others, Dynamic and mature personality

SSL Sales Coordinator
Bachelor degree with engineering background is preferred; at least 5 years working in similar function especially B2B sales experiences, Strong technical & good lighting knowledge also be considered favorably; good communication skills & excellent personal and interpersonal skill

Distributor Manager/Area Sales Manager - Outer Java
Distributor Manager–Home Decorative Lighting/Conslum _Outer Java
Bachelor degree (any discipline), min 3 years working experience in Sales FMCG with similar position would be additional advantage, has good personality and interpersonal skill, has an acceptable level of English language, has good coordination capability, is willing to travel and to spend most of the time in the market field. The incumbent has to have strong drive, positive attitude, is assertive and well motivated. He/she should posses driving license. Literacy in computer is a must.

Channel & Marketing Manager - Philips Consumer Lifestyle Indonesia
University graduate with solid commercial experience in a similar product management, business development or distributor management role.

Assistant Plant Controller/Finance Manager
At least ten (5) years working experience in accounting and finance, 5 years managing experience (including 3 years above plant accounting experience), 1 year above expatriate experience preferably from Finance & Accounting background, you are strive excellent process and result, you have good English, familiar with MS/Office & Finance & accounting software with SAP; Excellence Business communication & cooperation & better knowledge in Problem-solving and consultation; good personal & interpersonal skill, Management & leadership potential, teamwork player

Area Sales Manager/Sales Engineer - Government Project
Bachelor degree with engineering background is preferred; at least 5 years working in similar function especially deal with Government or B2B sales experiences, Strong technical & good lighting knowledge also be considered favorably; good communication & presentation skills; excellent personal and interpersonal skill

Wargani Wargani
+62-21-7940040 Ext.5301

Explore Phillips Indonesia to know us, or found our career opportunities in Lowongan Kerja Philips

Note : (Attached your recent photograph and We regret that only short listed candidates will be notified)
Lowongan Kerja di Phillips » Selengkapnya

Bursa Perkerjaan Terbaru 2010


Kami adalah Perusahaan Pertambangan Batubara Nasional dari kelompok Perusahaan Multinasional, mencari tenaga ahli untuk posisi:


1. Pendidikan S1 Teknik Pertambangan
2. Pengalaman minimal 10 tahun dalam industry pertambangan batubara
3. Mampu membuat rencana kerja, budget tahunan dan analisa produksi
4. Menguasai mining software (MINCOM atau MINEX)
5. Memiliki sertifikat Pengawas Operasional Utama (POU) atau KTT
6. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat

1. Production Superintendent
2. Production Supervisor
3. Production Foreman

1. Pendidikan S1 Teknik Pertambangan atau Geologi (1), SMU atau D3 (2 & 3)
2. Pengalaman minimal 7 tahun (1), 5 tahun (2) dan 3 tahun (3) dalam industry batubara
3. Memiliki Sertifikat Pengawas Operasional Madya (POM) (1), Pengawas Operasional Pertama (2)
4. Memiliki kemampuan dalam merencanakan, mengkoordinasi dan mengawasi aktifitas tambang batubara, untuk dapat mencapai target produksi yang diberikan (1,2 dan 3)
5. Lebih diutamakan yang menguasai Mining Software (1)
6. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan (1,2,3)
7. Mempunyai pengalaman mengoperasikan dan menguasai minimal 3 alat-alat berat (3)

1. Maintenance Planner Superintendent
2. Maintenance Superintendent
3. Maintenance Planner Supervisor
4. Maintenance Supervisor
5. Maintenance Scheduler Foreman
6. Maintenance Foreman

1. Pendidikan D3 Teknik atau S1 Teknik (1-5), STM atau sederajat (6)
2. Pengalaman minimal 7 tahun (1 & 2), 5 tahun (3 & 4), 3 tahun (5 & 6)
3. Mempunyai pengalaman dibidang perencanaan, penjadwalan, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan alat-alat berat atau ringan (1-6)
4. Memiliki ketrampilan analisa masalah bersama dengan keahlian mekanis untuk menyelesaikan kesulitan teknis (1,3 & 5)
5. Memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam mengatasi system mekanik dan hidrolik peralatan besar dan kecil, dapat memahami manual servis, memiliki pengetahuan mengenai peralatan untuk servis (2,4 & 6)
6. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan (1-6)


1. Pendidikan minimal SMU atau sederajat
2. Pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun
3. Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai trainer operator
4. Memiliki ketrampilan basic safety, P3K, fire fighting dan product knowledge
5. Menguasai alat-alat berat seperti: dozer, excavator, dumptruck kapasitas 40 ton dan memiliki sertifikat dari masing-masing produk alat.


1. Pendidikan minimal S1 Geologi
2. Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun atau fresh graduate
3. Lebih disukai yang mempunyai pengalaman di tambang batubara
4. Menguasai program: Autocad, Minescape dan Mapinfo


1. Pendidikan minimal D3 Sekretaris
2. Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
3. Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun
4. Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris lisan maupun tulisan
5. Menguasai program MS Office
6. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik

Kandidat dapat bekerja secara team (team work), jujur, flexible dengan jam kerja dan mempunyai komitmen untuk selalu mengutamakan keselamatan kerja. Bagi Anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, harap mengirimkan CV lengkap ke:

Bursa Perkerjaan Terbaru 2010 » Selengkapnya

Lowongan Kerja BCA Terbaru 2010

Info Lowongan Kerja di Bank BCA Terbaru 2010. Lowongan pekerjaan bank sebagai business analyst untuk lulusan finance, IT, dan statistic. Lowongan pekerjaan terbaru buat anda untuk berkarir di bank BCA.

PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk
giving job opportunities for top graduates of Universitas Indonesia.
We are currentyl looking for those who has what it takes to be :

a business analyst

someone with strong analytical capabillity and eager to learn new things.

Qualifications needed:
1. Min GPA 3.00
2. Finance / Statistic / IT / Data mining (for several different possitions)
3. Good comunications in English (both oral and written)

if you are fit into our criteria, please feel to send your CV to :

Only shortlisted candidates wiil be inform
Lowongan Kerja BCA Terbaru 2010 » Selengkapnya

Lowongan Kerja Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional

Informasi Lowongan Kerja Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional sebagai Organization Development Officer. Lowongan kerja bank terbaru buat anda lulusan S1 di bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional RI 2010.


Organization Development Officer
(Jakarta Raya)

Responsibilities :
• In coordination with Relationship Manager Develop & Implement Compensation & Benefit scheme for unit business
• Support business performance through effective design & develop organization structure, KPI and doing Performance Management within the bank
• Develop, maintain and monitor project database as part of OD related strategic initiatives
• Perform other roles and duties as determined by the company from time to time
• Male/Female
• Maximum age 30 years old
• Graduate Degree in related major (S-1)
• Having at least 2 (Two) years experience hands on Human Resources Area in Medium to Large Company Size (Employees more than 200 people)
• Understanding of the banking business process & HR corporate Related policy
• Able to use Microsoft Excel at Intermediate Level for managing medium size database
• Posses strong conceptual & analytical and able to manage work by him/her self

Please Send your latest CV & Latest Photo, Not later than February 28, 2010
to :
Only shorlisted candidate will be notified
Lowongan Kerja Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional » Selengkapnya

Lowongan Kerja Accounting Perkebunan

Info Lowongan pekerjaan accounting di perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit PT Inti Plantation. Lowongan pekerjaan di Sumatera Barat (Padang) untuk lulusan SMEA, D3 dan S1.

PT. Inti Plantation adalah sebuah perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang sedang berkembang. Pada saat ini kami membutuhkan para profesional untuk bergabung sebagai :

Accounting Staff Kebun (ASK)

Kualifikasi :

* Minimal lulusan SMEA/D3/S1 Accounting .
* Minimal IPK : 2,75
* Memiliki pengalaman bekerja minimal 3 tahun sebagai Accounting Staff. Lebih disukai pernah bekerja di posisi yang sama di perusahaan sejenis .
* Memiliki kemampuan di bidang pajak, finance & accounting.
* Diutamakan pria, maksimum 40 tahun.
* Bersedia ditempatkan di kebun (wilayah Sumatera Barat)

Kirimkan lamaran, CV dan dilengkapi pas photo terbaru melalui
email ke :, dengan menuliskan “ASK”, paling lambat 10 hari setelah iklan ini dimuat.
Lowongan Kerja Accounting Perkebunan » Selengkapnya

Lowongan Pekerjaan BUMN Bank Mandiri ODP Surabaya

Informasi Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru – lowongan pekerjaan Officer Development Program Bank Mandiri Di surabaya. Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru sebagai Officer Development Program ini untuk kedudukan di kota surabaya

Dalam rangka menyiapkan kader-kader pemimpin PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. di masa depan dan member kesempatan kepada para lulusan baru (fres graduate) yang berprestasi, PT Bank Mandirir (Persero) Tbk, Mengundang alumnus-alumnus perguruan tinggi terpilih untuk mengikuti seleksi sebagai kandidat Officer melalui jalur Officer Development Program (ODP) dengan syarat-syarat sebaqai berikut:

1. Lulusan S1/S2 dari semua jurusan kecuali : Bidang/Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan/Keperawatan, Ilmu Budaya, Sastra, Seni, Keguruan dan Keagamaan.
2. IPK untuk S1 min 3.00, S2 min 3.20
3. Usia maksimal pada saat seleksi awal untuk S1 usia 26 tahun, S2 usia 28 tahun.
4. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris lisan maupun tulisan
5. Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer minimal Ms Office
6. Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama pendidikan.
7. Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas.
8. Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Apabila anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, sertakan CV lengkap disertai dengan fotocopy ijazah/surat keterangan lulus, dan transkrip nilai, ke Resourcing Team Bank Mandiri di :
Tempat : Gedung Serba Guna Universitas Ailangga – Kampus B
Jl. Airlangga 4 – 6 Surabaya
Hari / Tanggal : Jum’at – Sabtu / 19 – 20 Februari 2010
Waktu : 08:00 – selesai
Bagi peserta yang lolos seleksi administrasi, proses akan dilanjutkan dengan walk-in interview tempat dan waktu yang sama.
Daftarkan segera diri anda ke:
Pusat Pembinaan Karir dan Kewirausahaan (PPKK)
Kampus B, Universitas Airlangga
Lowongan Pekerjaan BUMN Bank Mandiri ODP Surabaya » Selengkapnya


Lowongan Kerja LG Terbaru hari ini. Info Lowongan pekerjaan terbaru di Perusahaan elektronik terbesar di Indonesia. Lowongan kerja LG dengan berbagai posisi kerja untuk anda dapatkan. Bursa pekerjaan terbaru di Cikarang dan Bekasi.

As the largest and export oriented TV Tuner & electronics components manufacturer which has been implementing six sigma and located at Cikarang, Bekasi, PT.LG Innotek Indonesia would like to invite you to join us as a part of our winning team as:

1. Management Innovation Staff ( code : Mgt - ST )
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Bachelor Degree from Industrial Engineering
- 0 ~ 1 years experiences in the similar field
- Active and Communicative in English

2. Purchasing Staff ( code : PCH – ST )
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Bachelor Degree from Industrial Engineering
- 0 ~ 2 years experiences in the similar field
- Active and Communicative in English

3. Quality Assurance Staff ( code : QA -ST )
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Bachelor Degree from Electronic or Electrical Engineering ( low voltage )
- 0 ~ 1 years experiences in the similar field
- Active and Communicative in English

4. Research & Development Engineer ( code : R&D – ST )
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Education background from Electronic or Electrical Engineering ( low voltage )
- Active and Communicative in English

5. Engineering Staff ( code : ENG – ST )
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Education background from Electronic or Electrical Engineering
- Active and Communicative in English

6. Environment Staff ( code : ESH -ST )
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Education background from Environment Engineering
- Active and Communicative in English

General Requirement :
- GPA min.3.00 (scale 4)
- Age max.28 years old
- Willing be placed in Cikarang, Bekasi West Java
- Willing to work under pressure and tight time work

If you meet our requirement above please send us your application letter and your latest CV and photo before Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
to email :
cc to email :
with maximum 200 KB size on .doc or .pdf format or
To Address: Bekasi International Industrial Estate Block C8 No. 12&12A
Lemahabang, Bekasi Timur 17550 Jawa Barat
Name the position code on subject column on your email or on your envelope and please mention your current and expected salary. Only short listed candidate would be process. Please call us for further information at phone 021-8990 6619-20 ext 128,129 or 130 ( Ibu Zubaedah )

Lowongan Kerja Bank Negara Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Bank Terbaru di BNI 2010. Lowongan kerja terbaru banking untuk luusan S1 computer Engineering untuk bekerja sebagai IT Engineer. Lowongan pekerjaan terbaru ini berlaku hingga 28 Februari 2010.

Bank Negara Indonesia’s role as the circulation and central bank was duly terminated in 1949 following the government’s appointment of the former Dutch-controlled bank, De Javasche Bank, as Indonesia’s Central Bank. The Bank, subsequently designated as a development bank, was later granted the rights to provide foreign reserve services that allowed it access to direct foreign transactions. We are currently seeking suitable candidates for the following position:

IT Engineer

* Graduate from a minimum of S1 Computer Engineering / Computer Science / Electrical Engineering / Statistics / Industrial Engineering / Computer Science / Electronics / Engineering Physics / Mathematics from State University / Private prominent and capable in the field of IT.
* GPA requirements are: PTN at least 2.75; 3.00 minimum PTS
* Work experience in the field of communications and data systems at least 1 year.
* Mastering: Platform OS UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux) / OS Windows Server / Oracle Data Base or understand the concept of TCPIP.
* Mastering the English language at least passive
* Value Added to that has the certification: CCNA / MCSA / Oracle database admin. / SQL Server.
* Age maximum 28 years
* Healthy physical and spiritual

Each applicant must complete the data: Appendix of Application Letter, CV and other documents required (certificate, legalized diploma etc.)

Send your complete application to:

Lowongan Kerja Bank Negara Indonesia » Selengkapnya

Lowongan Kerja Energi Kaltim Persada

Lowongan Kerja Pertambangan PT Energi Kaltim Persada. Lowongan pekerjaan di pertambangan sebagai electrical supervisor, civil supervisor dan mechanical supervisor.

Energi Kaltim Persada, the growing fast coal mining company in Indonesia, which have operate and explore locations in me key commercial coal area (East Kalimantan, South Sumatra and Papua).

In response to Energi Kaltim Persada continuing fast growth, EKP need highly qualified, dynamic, energetic, strong leadership and experienced professionals to fill the following vacancies:

Electrical Supervisor
Requirement :

* Min 5 years experiences, preferably working in mining industry
* Min University Graduate, majoring Electrical Engineer
* Min age 28 years old
* Strong knowledge & experience with Electrical
* Strong leadership and hard working
* Good communication in English (both written & spoken)
* Expert in using computer engineering software
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia

Civil Supervisor
Requirement :

* Min 5 years experiences, preferably working in mining industry
* Min University Graduate, majoring Civil Engineer
* Min age 28 years old
* Strong knowledge & experience with Civil
* Strong leadership and hard working
* Good communication in English (both written & spoken)
* Expert in using computer engineering software
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia

Mechanical Supervisor
Requirement :

* Min 5 years experiences, preferably working in mining industry
* Min University Graduate, majoring Mechanical Engineer
* Min age 28 years old
* Strong knowledge & experience with Mechanical
* Strong leadership and hard working
* Good communication in English (both written & spoken)
* Expert in using computer engineering software
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia

The suitable candidate should be submit an application letter together with comprehensive curriculum vitae and recent color photograph to:
Lowongan Kerja Energi Kaltim Persada » Selengkapnya

Lowongan Kerja Bank Internasional Indonesia

Lowongan kerja terbaru di Bank Indonesia. Lowongan bank terbaru buat anda sebagai MIS Officer, Internal Auditor, Administration Staff, data entry, platinum Access Relationship Manager, Customer Service , teller dan Sales Executive.

Bank Internasional Indonesia. as one of the largest local bank in Indonesia, Our vision is to become the best local bank providing world class standard of customer service and product innovation.One of Bii strategy to aim that vision is by aligning the organization, human resources and culture. This will include establish a high performance, merit based organization; develop best-in class HR to support people development and promote teamwork, align the organization to support the business priorities, and perform our work according to our Code of Ethic and Code of Conducts at all times.

To actualize that, Bii determine that hiring the best talent who have strong passionate to grow, high integrity, continuous learning attitude, think out of the box and eager to face new challenge to grow with us in a long mutual employment, will take an important part.

To our talent, Bii offer continuous and comprehensive learning program throughout your career. Aside from that, Bii also provide career development in line with your performance and contribution and to the company.

So, if you inspired to join our bank who believes in values for integrity, trust and professionalism, simply complete the following application form. We will review your application and if you meet our qualification, we will invite you to join our selection process. We look forward to receiving your application.

MIS Officer (MIS)

* Min S1- degree from reputable university, major in Information Technology, Computer Science, or Electronic Engineering
* Minimum GPA 2,75
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Strong analytical thinking
* Solid knowledge about information system management
* Fluent in English

Internal Auditor (A)

* Min S1- degree from reputable university, major in Accounting
* Minimum GPA 3,00
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Strong analytical thinking
* Fluent in English3
* Computer literate

Administration Staff (Adm), Data Entry (DE)

* Min D3 from any major
* Minimum GPA 2,75
* Understand English
* Familiar with Ms Office and internet
* Detailed oriented, ordered and persistence
* Enjoy working behind the table

Platinum Access Relationship Manager

* S1 degree from reputable university
* Fluent in English and Computer literate
* Strong product knowledge in wealth mgmt products
* Strong sales drive and network within affluent market
* Good communication and influencing skills
* Min 2 years experience with similar position

Customer Service (CS), Teller (T), Sales Executive (SE)

* Min Education: S1 from any major – for SE
* Min Education: D3 from any major – for CS/T
* Max 24 years old
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Good communication skill, willing to work hard, persistence and detailed oriented

Send your CV to
Lowongan Kerja Bank Internasional Indonesia » Selengkapnya

Lowongan Pekerjaan Job Career Vacancy

Indonesian Job Vacancy, Lowongan pekerjaan terbaru di Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Palembang, Kalimantan, dll.

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